Free Uganda Forums Uganda Police State Increased shootings by cadet police officers in Uganda

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    Free Uganda

      Residents of Mubuku town board in Maliba sub-county,have expressed concern over the increased shooting by Uganda police officers whom they claim have showed incompetence in their work.

      The demand for explanation follows the incident where a Uganda police officer Edson Kirya, OC Mubuku police station shot dead Welcome Mbeta, a secondary school teacher at Mubuku Valley S.S and Hima Progressive S.S in the wee hours of Saturday morning.

      The acting Rwenzori East regional police commander Mr Patrick Bingi Atwooki, confirmed the incident saying that the police officer was in custody at central police station in Kasese town.

      “It is true our Uganda police officer shot dead a teacher who was alleged to have been breaking into the house of the neighbour. We have arrested our own pending investigations,” Mr Bingi said.

      According to Bingi, Kirya shot at the teacher suspecting that he was a thief little knowing he was opening a friend’s house who left him with keys before he went for Christmas.

      Mr Peter Tumwine, a fellow teacher who was found at the scene claimed that the incident was intentional because the deceased was with the police officer playing pool table before they separated for a late night match.

      “Police owe us a big explanation because this was an intentional incident. How could someone shoot dead the person he spent the evening with even when the security light was on,” Tumwine said.

      Mr Tumwine told this reporter that though the deceased was not residing in the same house where he was killed from, he had charged his phone from there since he was left with keys by his friend.

      He said that the deceased was a resident of Mubuku town board but a born of Kibito in Bunyangabu District.

      Isaac Kisembo, a close friend to the deceased faulted police for the death of Mbeta saying that if they never refused to take him to hospital immediately, he would not have died.

      “We reached here immediately after the incident but police refused to take him to the hospital saying he was already dead. Maybe we could have saved his life,” Kisembo said.

      He described the deceased as a humble, cool and soft speaking man, who was sober all the time not even taking booze or any drugs that confuse people.

      “My friend did not take any booze or drugs that confuse many. We are still worried to see that police can kill anyhow like that without another thought and yet the rooms were opposite each other with lights on,” Kisembo noted.

      He recounts murders that have happened in Kasese in one month by Uganda police officers, hence doubting their training.

      “I doubt whether these cadets were professionally trained because in late December, two people were killed and two others wounded under the same circumstances,” Kisembo said.

      A cadet officer in charge of Karusandara police station in December shot dead a crime preventer under unclear circumstances. This followed another incident where two children were shot and injured in separate incidents by officer in charge of operations at Hima police station.

      The district vice chairperson Mr Elly Magwara blamed police for the incidents doubting their professionalism.

      Free Uganda

        Its very unfortunate that Police and Kiwanga mawotto zone defence a one called Mugerwa have invaded birthday party of one of the Young Men Who have studied, grown and a responsiple mutuuze of the place and every one Who attended from the neighberhood and as í speak their held at the police station in seeta , this is totally disappointing that this man Mugerwa knows every one of them and they have never committed any offence at Amy one time, ooooohhhhhh í think Uganda is now under Marshall law !!!!!

        Free Uganda

          The Nakawa grade one magistrate ,Noah Sajjabi has released on bail three people accused of Terrorism

          The Nakawa grade one magistrate, Noah Sajjabi has released on bail three people accused of Terrorism and the murder of AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi.
          Kaweesi was shot dead by unknown assailants as he left his home in Kulambiro, together with his bodyguard and driver in March 2017.The freed are Ahmad Shaban Senfuka, Umar Maganda and Abdul Kaala. This is the second time Senfuka is being released on bail. They were released on Tuesday on a cash bail of Ugx. 2 million. while their sureties were bonded at 500 million shillings non cash.However, two of their colleagues two suspects Ali Mugoya and Sinani Hibwagi were sent back to prison as the former lacked substantial sureties, while the latter’s sureties had not arrived at court in time.
          On November 7, 2017, Senfuka was among the seven suspects who had been granted mandatory bail over Kaweesi’s murder. He was however, re-arrested by plain-clothed security officers.

          Free Uganda

            Gangs like Kifeesi have publicly narrated how they carry out robberies with the knowledge of senior police officers

            Last November, ISO officials paraded before the press suspects who had been arrested over various crimes, including forgery of passports, human trafficking and car theft, among others, which is ordinarily police work
            The military tracked the suspects to the Boda Boda 2010, a gang associated with police but working on instructions of specific senior officers in the establishment
            KAMPALA- Ongoing developments where the military intelligence have taken over investigations and arrest of suspected criminals is leaving many questions unanswered.

            Killings continue to ravage the country but the murder of Case Hospital accountant, Francis Ekalungar, blew the lid off the escalating crime situation perpetuated by different armed gangs who enjoy protection from the hierarchy of the police and some other security agencies.

            Gangs like Kifeesi have publicly narrated how they carry out robberies with the knowledge of senior police officers.

            The security agencies in Uganda; police, army and intelligence agencies have different mandates.
            The police protects life, property and rule of law and prevent and detect crime.

            The military intelligence and Internal Security Organisation (ISO) ensure stability of the State. The Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) defends and protects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Uganda.

            Looking at the current situation where the military have taken over high-profile murders and other crimes, there seems to be huge challenges in the management of the security establishment.

            Army intervention in crime

            During the funeral of slain former police spokesperson Felix Kaweesi in March last year, President Museveni said police were infiltrated by criminals, confirming the long-held view by the public. Since the President’s statement, there have been significant interventions in police operations by other security agencies.
            In the wake of chain killings of women in Nansana and Entebbe in Wakiso District last year when the criminals killed at wish and will without police making any tangible headway in arresting the culprits, the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) intervened in the investigations and arrested several suspects after phone tracking. 

            The situation had threatened to get out of hand with the women murdered in more less similar manner of brutality. The killings ceased forthwith.

            In October 2017, CMI arrested senior police officers on allegations that they had been involved in other crimes, including illegal extradition of Rwandan refugees from Uganda back home to face persecution and prosecution.

            Senior Commissioner of Police Joel Aguma, Senior Superintendent of Police Nixon Agasirwe and five others were arrested and charged in the army court. Their trial is still ongoing. No other such arrest of Rwandan refugees has happened since then.

            Last November, ISO officials paraded before the press suspects who had been arrested over various crimes, including forgery of passports, human trafficking and car theft, among others, which is ordinarily police work.

            Addressing journalists later, the Director General of ISO, Col Frank Kaka Bagyenda, denied they had taken over the police mandate.

            “ISO is not taking over the role of the police neither are we in conflict with them but we are only providing support. In this work of ending rampant criminality in Kampala Metropolitan and elsewhere, we are working with External Security Organisation and the police,” Col Bagyenda said then. This seeming vote of no-confidence in police has been heightened by the current storm which kicked off last Friday with the arrest of Abdullah Kitatta, the leader of Boda Boda 2010 gang, and other members over the alleged connection to the murder of Ekalungar. Ekarungar was murdered on January 2 and his body later found burnt beyond recognition in Kajjansi outskirt.

            Two weeks later, police threw in the towel and said they were stuck in the investigations into the murder because they had no clue on the killers. The army would not take any of the police excuses. The military intelligence took over the task leading to the Friday storm.

            The military tracked the suspects to the Boda Boda 2010, a gang associated with police but working on instructions of specific senior officers in the establishment. Kitatta, his brother Muzamiru Kiwalabye, and two alleged accomplices were arrested by the military. There was information that a senior police chief intervened to stop the arrest of Kitatta and group but the military would not listen to the call.

            Clash of roles
            Mid-October last year, there was a standoff between police and ISO over a woman identified as Christine Mbabazi Muhoza, who was believed to have been a girlfriend to the late Kaweesi and was believed to know something about the deceased’s death. The ISO deployed at her home in Lungujja to ensure police had no access to her. Police counter-deployed at the same home and the fallout nearly yielded a fire exchange between the two security agencies.

            The then police spokesperson, Asan Kasingye, said they had received a call from Muhoza for rescue from ISO operatives. But later it transpired this claim was not as truthful as had been reported. The impasse was resolved at the intervention of the President.

            Security Minister, Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde, last month stopped police who were supervised an eviction of Panarama Bar in Naguru. He threatened to deploy counter forces if police proceeded to fire bullets and tear gas.

            “How can you cause chaos in town? Why are you firing bullets in town? Now these are my instructions. Stop this otherwise we will be forced to bring counter forces to handle this situation,” Lt Gen Tumukunde is quoted saying.

            Ekalungar murder suspects
            On Sunday, the army announced they had made significant progress where police had had made none.
            The army announced they had arrested at least 30 people over Ekalungar’s murder and subsequent incidents related to the homicide.
            The deputy UPDF spokesperson, Lt Col Deo Akiiki, said the army had handed over the suspects to police for further handling.
            The army intervention signals a failure or refusal of police to execute their mandate. However, this raises questions, especially given that Kitatta and his group had been committing crime with impunity and protection of the police. How does the public expect justice when the suspects have been handed over to their fathers?

            Police chief Kale Kayihura has defended actions of Kitatta and his Boda Boda 2010. Appearing before Parliament recently, he praised Kitatta for doing a good job.

            “Kitatta is a city politician. He is also a leader of boda boda riders that is how I know him, his group helps us curtail crime among boda boda riders. You remember during the 2011 walk to work protests? He is the one who helped us neutralise many of those boys that Opposition had recruited,” Gen Kayihura said when asked by MPs about his connections with Kitatta.

            Can UPDF evidence help prosecution?

            Human rights lawyer Nicolas Opio yesterday said there was no reason to celebrate the army action in arresting suspected criminals. 

            “If the army is arresting for purposes of handing over suspects to the police, then fine. I doubt whether the army is trained to collect evidence to prosecute suspects in civil courts otherwise such actions show the army is overstepping its mandate,” Mr Opio said.

            At the height of women killings in Wakiso, Mr Museveni and Gen Kayihura visited the places. But former chief spy with ESO, Mr David Pulkol, said such visits were mere political posturing but suggest lack confidence in police.

            “This shows something big. If the President had the magic to stop these killings by his appearance, why had he not appeared earlier on?” Mr Pulkol asked.

            By Misairi Thembo Kahungu & By Derrick Wandera

            Free Uganda

              Members of Boda Boda 2010 gang are on the run after the military arrested their leader Abdullah Kitatta

              KAMPALA- Members of Boda Boda 2010 gang are on the run after the military arrested their leader Abdullah Kitatta and intensified the crackdown on others over the murder of Case Hospital accountant Francis Ekalungar.

              The deputy army spokesperson, Lt Col Deo Akiiki, said yesterday that the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) was hunting more members of the gang and would not rest until they have been apprehended.

              “The operation is still ongoing and we are looking for more suspects who are still at large. We, however, want to assure you that whoever was involved in this crime shall be apprehended. We came in as army because when a person is killed in such a manner, we become concerned on whether it is a rebel group or terrorists,” Lt Col Akiiki said.

              He was speaking at a joint army and police press conference at the government’s Media Centre.

              The military has arrested close to 30 Boda Boda 2010 members since last Friday, including the gang patron, Mr Kitatta and his brother Huzair Kiwalabye following the gruesome murder of Ekalungar who was kidnapped, killed and burnt beyond recognition on January 2, as he took the hospital’s Shs15m to the bank.

              The army said the crackdown on the suspects came after investigations directly linked Mr Kiwalabye to Ekalungar’s murder.

              Lt Col Akiiki said other suspects, including Mr Kitatta, were arrested for trying to sabotage ongoing investigations with threats, protests and blocking roads.

              “No one is above the law. Even if it is me as an army officer I can be arrested and prosecuted if I have committed an offence. These people thought they would interfere with investigations by blocking roads. That is not acceptable and cannot be allowed to happen,” Lt Col Akiiki said.

              The police spokesperson, Mr Emilian Kayima, said the Case Hospital proprietor, Dr Sebbaale Kato, was yesterday intercepted as he headed to Entebbe International Airport to travel out of the country because his driver, Muzamiru Mawa, is a key suspect in the murder.

              “His driver is among the key suspects in this case. We thought he will be needed in this investigation. That is why we stopped him from going out of the country. He will be let to go after we have got some information from him,” Mr Kayima said.

              Police asked the public to avail all the relevant evidence for the trial of the suspects.
              Asked whether the suspects would be prosecuted in the court martial, Lt Col Akiiki said it would depend on the outcomes of the investigations.

              “Since the investigations are still on, we may get evidence that could sustain their trial in the army court, but as of now, all the evidence we have would enable our sister institution (police) to charge them in civil courts,” he said.

              Lt Col Akiiki said the suspects would be scrutinised and those who are not linked to the murder would be released.

              The army ransacked Boda Boda 2010 offices at the weekend in Wakaliga and recovered weapons such as machetes (pangas), knives, army uniforms and motorcycle number plates.

              Mr Kayima warned the public against mob action after it was established that Boda Boda 2010 offices in Bukesa, Wakaliga and Makindye areas had been set ablaze by their rival factions.

              Free Uganda


                32 years of bad leadership, oppression, marginalisation, Nepotism, Sectarianism, Corruption, War Crimes, Genocide, Forced Disappearance, RAPE etc etc . by Yoweri Museveni

                Why would you celebrate a day like that? That’s is not a day for Ugandans, that is YOWERI MUSEVENI and his fake liberation day, a day he set Uganda on trap of his destruction, now Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the world

                In 1972 Uganda’s economy was the same as of south Koreans but now Korean is million times a head of Uganda shame on you YOWERI MUSEVENI

                You are using a metal chain to pull Uganda backwards.

                Inform, educate, empower and inspire your friends, family and relatives.
                We should not go by bandwagon influence of the goons who use States money to intimidate us.

                Since Yoweri Museveni came on power, various parts of Uganda has been suffering from Ebola, poverty, nepotism, war crimes, genocides, massacre, murder, rape etc this is not because the people did want the situation but its because the government has got the poorest leadership skills of corruption, bribery and own self satisfaction of politicians.

                Any politician who joins NRM automatically starts thinking of how to suck his money because, they survive by being stupid. This system has let and will let Uganda behind as long as YOWERI Museveni is on the throne.

                Even the devil celebrates after its mission of destruction same Yoweri Museveni today celebrates his day of destroying Uganda.

                If the Northern Uganda’s underdevelopment is blamed on prolong war then what about the forested areas of Bunyoro, West Nile, and Eastern Uganda which is totally undeveloped, why are they undeveloped, this is because Yoweri Museveni doesn’t care about the welfare of Uganda but how to extend his next seat of power.

                Ugandans wake up.

                Free Uganda

                  NRA bandits emerging from Luwero bushes where they had left a trail of blood

                  32 years ago today about now….a trail of little boys (many hardly 9 or possibly emaciated 12 year olds), all armed – dragging guns possibly taller than them (check my facebook page background pic)- poured across Makerere university; they were obviously with their commanders (much older) and weather beaten. These were NRA’s bandits emerging from Luwero bushes where they had left a trail of blood, skulls and ghosts but now, on their way to the final ‘BALLOT BOX’ that delivered Museveni to power.

                  On December 10th, 1980, the people of Nyabushoozi (as indeed the rest of Uganda) had roundly rejected mbu, ‘Uganda Patriotic Movement’ (UPM), the political party and candidate Museveni. Except for one seat in Tooro won by former DP Crispus Kiyonga, UPM obtained 0.8% of the polls and instead of heading to the Courts (if they had any electoral petitions worthy of mention), they strolled all the way from Mbarara North to Kabamba from where they started their massacre, claiming elections had been ‘rigged’ in favour of UPC which had convincingly won over 61% of the votes. In which constituencies Kagame, Bunyenyezi, Baingana or Rwigyema stood, that’s for you young historians and ‘cadre’ professors.

                  Largely defeated, on the run and (Museveni having sought asylum in Sweden), a life-line had been granted when in collaboration with DP and through the go rmless Okellos, they had managed to form a league to overthrow the UPC government 6 months earlier and, 5 months to the next elections. With DP, they were scared : an election in December 1985 would see an even increased majority for UPC, a cabinet reshuffle and reforms -including within security forces – that would have nailed their hopes possibly for ever. From July 27th 1985, Museveni had dragged his DP and Okello partners with conditions including a resource-wasting expedition to Nairobi in the guise of ‘peace talks’ (aptly referred, Nairobi Peace Jokes). How certain Ugandans allowed themselves to be duped this far….is a subject of my book tomorrow. He had used this time to rebuild, regroup, gather free resources and, expose the naivety of DP and the gormless Okellos. Above all, with the help of their imperialist bosses and Pike media, the various militias operating after the coup had been exposed as ‘terrible’ except ‘disciplined’ NRA. Ask Andrew Kayiira (RIP).

                  Having broken into State House and now a permanent squatter who no longer even knows his age, Museveni – whose grandfather’s names I forget – is today showing off his trophies at – of all places Arua in West Nile, a region that should historians ever establish the facts of the military units that first entered Amin’s home town after 1979…..I will only say ‘no comment’. Worse, those going will pass through Tororo where some NRA victims were buried while still breathing, Mukura where hundreds were boiled alive in railway wagons, greater Teso whose cattle were rustled South into Kampala, Lango some of whose citizens still live in concentration camps and in Acholi – an area in which genocide was perfected – and now documented (watch A Brilliant Genocide by Australian journalist and activist, Ebony Atlanta Butler).

                  The man and gang that wrought havoc on a nation and peoples that had just survived Amin’ regime of terror, claiming ‘election rigging and fighting for democracy’ now stands ‘tall’ in the world, claiming Donald Trump as his icon, having amended his own ‘constitution’ to allow him rule for life (for himself and grandchildren) and with zombie like followers in the names of legislators, boldly pushed for a 7 year term parliament. Sane Ugandans, where are you?

                  This is a sad day, I mourn for the dead, stunted and regressed. Except, I believe too, that this country is possible – if ONLY you believe in better.

                  Free Uganda

                    UGANDANS STAY OUT OF THE CITY AFTER 07:00PM

                    Ugandans are warned to stay away from the city or Kampala, Ndeeba, Kibuye, Kawempe, Ntinda, Nakulabye, Mengo, Natete and surrounding areas, after dark.

                    This is not wolokoso and the wave of killing innocent people by yet unidentified people possibly connected to the police are planning to carry out murders in order to scare the general public of rebel groups operating in Kampala and suburbs. Many people have been attacked as they get home and the intruders wait for one to get to the gate and attack the victim. The government has no capacity to protect the citizens as it was revealed that those that had confessed to murdering people were paraded with the help of the police but no action was taken against them. The country is going through turbulence and do not expect things to get better.

                    The police is notorious in arresting and torturing innocent people and some of the victims have lost their lives. The best security around you is yourself as you cannot count on Kayihura. The IGP recently camped in Masaka but only to complain of jiggers attacking him and giving the people that had lost their loved one lecture on hygiene a total disregard of lives lost.

                    Those who think that Uganda is safe, your dead bodies would be in streets in the morning. This warning must be taken very seriously as the killings now is going to be centred in Kampala. Get off the streets after 7PM.

                    Free Uganda

                      Mob Justice in Uganda is Killing innocent People

                      One person has been murdered at katwekamwe cell, Rwentondo ward, Eastern Division, Rukungiri municipality, Rukungiri District.

                      Elly Maate, the Kigezi region police spokesperson told Howwe.Biz that 21 year old Ahereza Crescent, a peasant, was beaten up by a group of men identified as Joseph, Genuario, Muhumuza, Sodi, Kakoza, Allan, Mugabe, Byaruhanga among others on suspicion that he stole a goat. 

                      Maate added that police is yet to find owner of the goat, while the animal is also still missing.

                      Ahereza was rushed to Nyakibale Hospital where he died on Thursday at about 1200hrs 

                      Police visited the scene of crime, Post Mortem was done, but no arrest has yet been made, as inquiries are ongoing under file

                      Police in Kanungu is investigating circumstances under which one unidentified man was murdered and another one injured by mob. 

                      Elly Maate the Kigezi region police spokesperson told Howwe.Biz that the unfortunate events took place last night at around 11:30 hours within Kanungu Township. The duo was suspected thieves. 

                      Maate explains that police rushed to the scene and managed to rescue them, while the deceased who had been rushed to Kanungu health centre 4 in critical condition died moments later. 

                      The other man is in police custody. He has been identified as one Turyahebwa Juma 30 years old of Runyinya village Kishenyi parish Kanyantorogo s/c Kanungu district.

                      “Efforts to get those involved in this criminal activity are being made so that are brought to book and charged accordingly. Kanungu SD 56/18/01/18 refers” Maate told us.

                      Free Uganda

                        The opposition taking over power and those in power becoming the opposition

                        Yoweri Museveni

                        The opposition, generally speaking, is a government in waiting. And true to that, in democratic societies, tables often turn with the opposition taking over power and those in power becoming the opposition.

                        The regularity with which the power table swings from opposition to ruling party and from ruling party to the opposition is usually an indicator of the health of a county’s democracy, and how much power citizens have in choosing those they deem qualified to manage public affairs on their behalf.

                        Equitable access to civic spaces by the ruling party, those in the centre, and the opposition is sacred in a functioning democracy. However, in Uganda this space is alarmingly shrinking and becoming a monopoly of the ruling NRM party.

                        Denying spaces for the opposition and critics of the NRM is now an established part of the power retention strategy for Museveni and his life- presidency project. Some mistake this act of opportunism for tactical astuteness on the part of Museveni. Nothing can be further from the truth.  Bluntly put, this primitive hogging of power has a counterproductive effect on Uganda’s transitions to democracy.

                        Already, Uganda is a black sheep in the original East African region—we are the only country that hasn’t had a peaceful transition from one president to another.

                        If the Democratic Republic of the Congo manages to pull off a peaceful transition from President Joseph Kabila to another leader, despite its flawed electoral process, the blackness of Uganda will cast a dark shadow beyond East Africa.

                        Increasingly, it is no longer even ‘‘news’’ when members of the opposition are blocked from holding meetings, rallies, prayers, and music concerts, as is the case with singer and Member of parliament, Robert Kyagulanyi better known by his stage name—Bobi Wine.

                        It is near- becoming acceptable in the eyes of Ugandans that the NRM and President Museveni can have as much access to the electorate using public resources while the opposition remains largely chained on poles planted by the police and military. That is how tragic it has got; normalization of the abnormal.

                        If you ask, who benefits from this cloudy and unbalanced sad situation in which the opposition appears free but when in real sense is chained? Certainly not Ugandans.

                        The sole beneficiary of this situation is Museveni. But this comes at the cost of continuous psychological torture of Ugandans who are unsure of what will happen to the country without him.

                        By gluing his raw life-presidency aspirations to Uganda’s future, and fattening his ego by claiming to have grandeur ambitions that go beyond Uganda’s border, Museveni has become more opportunistic than nationalistic.

                        The limitation of civic space for Ugandans has dire consequences for Uganda, including but not limited to stunting the growth of state institutions critical for the growth and inculcation of a democratic culture. It also undermines the growth of new emerging talent in both the opposition and ruling party—talent that could offer Uganda solutions to challenges Museveni has failed to address in the last 33 years.

                        Equitable access to spaces in which the opposition and the NRM must coexist to sell their agenda to the public for the benefit of Ugandans is not debatable. If the opposition is perpetually stopped from accessing the electorate, it means,

                        Ugandans are being denied an opportunity for the sprouting of new political talent to widen leadership choices for citizens.

                        Unfortunately, this is what we are faced with. The consequence has been that Ugandans have been disempowered, making citizens weaker in the demand for accountable leadership. This weakness of the citizenry is best illustrated by the now infamous begging phrase: Tusaba Govementi etuyambe ‘‘We ask government to help us.’’

                        By Betty Aol Ocan

                        The writer is Gulu woman MP & Leader of Opposition

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