Free Uganda Forums Crazy World Tribalism in Uganda is Real

last updated by Free Uganda 5 years ago
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  • #204779
    Free Uganda

      Tribalism in UgandaTribalism in Uganda is real and we shouldn’t claim or deny that it doesn’t exist. But who is breeding it? The problem of tribalism in Uganda is because of the unfairness in the employment market, the unfair political government system with all its institutions where you see a particular group of people having access to more opportunities than others and this is based on tribes. I have had an opportunity to study or even live near three Universities in Uganda; Kyambogo, Makerere and Ndejje; All these universities are enough to tell you that tribalism in Uganda is real. From University staffing on all levels to student enrolment, you realise there is a bigger problem going on in our country. Some of these institutions could soon adopt a certain local language from a particular tribe to be spoken.

      You will also realise that most government bodies and institutions are being dominated by a particular group of people from mostly one tribe, Let’s look at the current state of these institutions; the Uganda Police, the Uganda Revenue Authority, the Immigration Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Uganda People’s Defence Forces, Ministry of finance and economic Planning & Development, the Bank of Uganda, State House, the Ministry of ICT, the Uganda Communications Commission, National Information Technology Authority, Uganda Broadcasting Corporation, and so many other public institutions which are mostly dominated by a particular group of people.

      Now, this is not the time to accuse one another but we have to address this issue so that every Ugandan feel contented in his own country. It becomes mind-lowing and so disturbing to see a certain group of people enjoying better opportunities and fair treatment to thrive economically, socially and politically while the rest of the country lives in tears and poverty. I think this should concern everybody!

      Furthermore, it is on record that a particular group of people in this country is untouchable. Some of the notable names include; Kahinda Otaffire, Amama Mbabazi, sam Kuteesa, Justine Byagyenda, Akandwanaho Salim Saleh, Jim Muhwezi, Emmanuel Mutebire, Kale Kaihura, Mathias Kanyamunyu, John Muhanguzi Kashaka, David Tinefunza, John Byabagambi, John Nasasira, Mwesigwa Rukutana, Alex Kamugisha, Amos Nzeyi, Twino Musinguzi.

      These names and many others have engaged in corruption and public criminality but I can tell you nobody is inside the cells yet we have seen people getting arrested and harshly sentenced for just a small crime. This is where the problem comes from.

      Therefore, if you want Ugandans to stop talking about tribalism then we have to fix the system. If it is a job, let it be given on merit without using “whose son is he” concept . If it is justice, let it be exercised fairly without prosecuting some and exonerating some. if it is a matter of public accountability, let each person be personally held responsible for their own actions and let them face the stronger hand of the law without influencing the prosecution process based on “Order from above” concept

      If these things don’t occur, what happened in Rwanda could occur in Uganda and am speaking this as an alert to whoever is concerned on these issues.

      Free Uganda

        University admissions on government sponsorship, some regions are given social work social administration, education, project planning and management even if they passed with good grades “high points” while one region students are given professional courses like law, doctors with the same grades like those who are given SWASA

        Free Uganda

          Ronald Muwenda Mutebi Accused of land grabbing

          Ronald Muwenda MutebiThe High Court in Mukono has summoned Kabaka of Buganda, Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II to defend himself against accusations of land grabbing.
          The complainants include; Abby Mutyaba, Christopher Katende, Paul Kaliga and Charles Mugambe – all residents of Nyanama –Buwera Village, Ssi Sub County, Buikwe District.
          They accuse the king of unlawfully taking their grandfather’s estate measuring 122 acres on Block 472, Plot 6 in Nyanama- Buwera Kyagwe County, Buikwe District.

          The Kabaka is sued together with three other people including; Mr Elbright Ssemboga Kalule, a city businessman, David Nsereko, a Buganda Kingdom official and the Mukono District registrar of titles.
          However, Mr Nsereko, who is one of the defendants and an adviser on Kabaka’s private land in Buganda Kingdom said they are ready to defend themselves in court.

          “We are ready to defend ourselves in court because the piece of land we sold belonged to the Kabaka and we followed all processes,” he said in an interview on Tuesday.
          Through their lawyers of Baganda and Ssekatawa Advocates, the family claims to be the rightful owners of the contested land, which they inherited from their grandfather Yosufu Mukasa who was working in Kabaka’s palace back in the days.

          They claim the original duplicate of title got lost and the family tried to apply for a special certificate of title but failed because Mr Kalule and Kabaka had already claimed ownership of the same land.
          They want court to issue an eviction order against Mr Kalule from the land and cancel titles issued to him. They also want a declaration that the family is the rightful owner of the land until the main suit is heard and disposed of.
          The Kabaka and other defendants have up Thursday to file in their defence.

          Free Uganda

            stinking corruption in Uganda

            We have to get anti-nepotism laws in this country for a reason, mwegabanya emirimu and you get very rich combined with stinking corruption then you move around kampala abusing and threatening everyone….When dynasties come into power, the relatives are unsackable. Nepotism matters. Money matters. Connections matter. Qualifications certainly don’t, let’s focus on this…..To make significant progress in Uganda, we must actively fight these five giant evils:

            •Chauvinistic Tribalism

            •Religious fundamentalism



            •Nepotism/Corruption in high places

            Corruption leads to nepotism, which is quite prevalent in our country. The best way to tackle nepotism is social awareness. In the presence of good governance, there is honesty, integrity, transparency, accountability, and responsiveness.

            Free Uganda

              THE ACHOLI HISTORY

              THE ACHOLI
              Rwot Awich reigned as Rwot of Payira Kingdom from 1890-1946)
              His heroic deeds include:
              1886: His decisive victory in the war between Pader/Arab/Nubian forces versus Pajule/Payira combined forces sent a strong message to the Arabs. The armies of Pader and their Arab/Nubian allays suffered a humiliating defeat and as a result, when the Arabs were petitioned by Rwt Ogwok of Padibe the following year in 1887, to join Padibe and wage war against Payira, the Arabs were eager to avenge that defeat.

              The combined Padibe/Labongo/Arab/Nubian force waylaid Rwt. Labwor Rwotcamo-wod-Awino and his Payira convoy. The Arab force was led by Awash Effendi based at Lado while the Assistant Commander was Salim Effendi(s/o Mohamed Effendi).The Padibe force and their Arab allies sprang a surprise attack on Rwt Chamo’s convoy and achieved easy victory as Payira men were caught completely unawares. Rwot Chamo’s convoy was scattered and the people fled in disarray, leaving their king undefended. A Padibe man named Cakai Lukiromoi is said to have been the one who speared Rwt Chamo to death, for which he earned the chivalry ‘moi’ title ‘Lukiromoi’.

              The Arabs then went on and did what only the Arabs can do best; they beheaded Rwt.Chamo and took the severed head with them. According to another Nubian, Moorjan Effendi based in Gulu at that time the severed head of Rwot Chamo was wrapped in a white linen cloth and taken to Lado via Dupile by non-other than Awash Effendi, the Arab military Commander. It was from Lado that Emin Pasha (Edwardo Schultz), the last Governor ruled Equatoria, from 1878 to 1886, the year Egypt gave up responsibility over Equatoria.
              1901-1902: Rwot Awich was arrested by Captain Harman and tried by the British Trouble Shooter, Delme Radcliffe (aka Langalanga), so knick- named in Juba (Pidgeon) Arabic because he was restless; he was all over the region, trouble shooting. Following the ruling in that court Rwot Awich was detained by the British colonial administration, more likely because he was seen to be sympathetic to the Omukama Kabalega of Bunyoro.

              He stubbornly, and rightly refused to repatriate the refugees, Nubians, Banyoro and the Omukama’s children who had fled from the combined British/Buganda army which defeated Omukama Kabalega’s army, in 1893. His objection was based on a deeply rooted Acholi traditional moral belief about the sanctity of human life.

              The traditional religious Acholi belief, holds that if he were to send back the refugees to face possible death then the souls of the deceased would come back to haunt him, if they were killed! Perhaps needless to say that time has vindicated Rwot Awich for upholding this very important principle of Acholi’s criminal justice system. He held steadfast Acholi’s high moral ground.

              Quite simply he was ahead of his time as it took Europe, the USA and other major nations of the world two world wars and over fifty million deaths to come up in Paris with the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10th, 1948. Within the four rights enshrined in the charter is the right of asylum, i.e. Anyone having well-founded fear of persecution in his/her country of origin became entitled to seek refuge in a neighbouring country and the host nation, since then is under a legal obligation not to repatriate such a person to face near certain death or persecution.
              1912-1919: Rwt Awich was again rearrested based on a trumped up charge that he was in possession of illegal gun (luduku taci, i.e. 303 rifle) which had gone missing. Rwt Awich’s own sub-chief, Jago Aluca of Patira, testified against him in an ill-constituted court presided over by the Resident D C Mr Bens (aka Benge) in January, 1912.

              This make-shift court sentenced Rwt Awich to another period of detention lasting eight years. He was again detained in Kololo, Kampala.”Kololo” hill, now a VIP residential area in Kampla was named by him. It is derived from Acholi word “Kololo” meaning single or alone/lonely. Immediately following his release in December, 1919. Following his initial detention, he went out of his way to meet the British missionary Albert Lloyd in Hoima and requested him to open up similar schools as he saw in Buganda and Bunyoro in Acholiland.

              Indeed in June, 1904 Albert Lloyd travelled to Acholiland where he established the first Anglican Mission at Keyo, Lamogi division in 1904.
              In short what makes Rwt Awich stand out head and shoulder above other Rwodi in Acholi is that he resisted all foreign invaders both violent invaders(Arabs) and the more peaceful but subtle and guileful invaders, i.e. the Europeans. Moreover most of the wars Payira fought were either retaliatory, or were for just causes, i.e. “causa belle” or lapii.
              Out of about ten of Payira’s inter clan wars only about three can be classified as wars of aggression. Fr J P Crazzolara. In his third volume “Lwoo Clans” page 500, he writes: Ogwok who committed suicide in 1924, entangled Padibe in many wars and with the aid of the slave traders, whom he called for his assistance was responsible for much suffering over a large area of Acholiland.
              Similarly Rwot Lakidi of Paimol who fought more than ten inter clan wars, most of them were wars of aggression against neighbouring fellow Acholi clans. For instance, Rwot Lakidi did wage a war against Lira Palwo to assert his claim over “kono udo”, i.e. ostrich feathers. In his last and most memorable war in October, 1918, Rwot Lakidi and his Commander, Mr Ogal Luwamoi went all the way to Ethiopia, to recruit Ethiopian(Munu-Lucamcwa) mercenaries, returning via Turkana region in Kenya to wage war on Rwot Amet of Lira-Palwo.

              In a dawn raid on that fateful day they attacked Rwot Amet’s county headquarters’ residence, when he was away on a visit to Lira, his village.
              During the raid the two Acholi catechists, Jildo Irwa (of Labongo) and Daudi Okello (of Payira) were martyred. The two Catholic martyrs were recently (2002) beatified by Pope John Paul 11. It is the first step towards their recognition as Christian saints. The next step is their canonisation, after which they joined the list of many recognised martyrs of the Catholic Church worldwide.

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