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    • Power no longer belongs to the people of Ugandans, but political classes,tribal classes,elite classes, religious classes. and musical classes
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    • A spoiler is an element of a disseminated summary or description of any piece of fiction that reveals any plot elements which threaten to give away important details concerning the turn of events of a dramatic episode. Typically, the details of the conclusion of the plot, including the climax and ending, are especially regarded as a spoiler material. It can also be used to refer to any piece of information regarding any part of a given media that a potential consumer would not want to know beforehand. Because enjoyment of fiction depends a great deal upon the suspense of revealing plot details through standard narrative progression, the prior revelation of how things will turn out can "spoil" the enjoyment that some consumers of the narrative would otherwise have experienced.
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    • The real life in Uganda- the practical world as opposed to the academic world; a good leader must have a lot of experience in the real world. all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; Uganda has endemic murders,  we live in different worlds, Its very true Dictator Yoweri Museveni is part of the endemic murders that has destroyed our communities, because he does not serve Ugandans, but himself.
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    • We all need  food for thought as a form for mental stimulus to help us think more-intellectual nourishment.
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    • In our world there very man fabulous things that are almost impossible to believe. The unusual incredible,exceptionally good or unusual; superb. Some of the fabulous stories are known through fables or myths; purely imaginary.
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    • In the world of sleazy powerful people, in the interest of the public, its the duty of the media to make sure that such people are exposed. Expose is a form of investigative journalism and journalists should never be blamed for doing their work.
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    • This world is filled with ludicrous people and things doing bizarre things, that are either foolish, crazy, comical, funny,fantastic, grotesque, incongruous and laughable.
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    • The Uganda today forum. is the source of what is happening and has happened in Uganda. The Uganda society is a mixture of many gravies, and if you've met one Ugandan and wondered if they're all the same, then you're very wrong because Ugandans are different, but the social fabric has modeled them to behave the same.
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    • The Uganda regime is a police state with hall marks of state brutality. The use of oppressive methods to govern Uganda is something that has become the norm. However, the brutal regime is run by a clique of few people that have taken Ugandans and the region Hostages. The Uganda political elite continue to collaborate both directly and indirectly with the criminal regime.
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    • The Uganda elite class, has continued to fool Ugandans that they care about them and continue to use them as a stepping stone to enrich themselves. The elite class has mastered the art of using tribalism,religion,education,military, and regions as a tool to divide Ugandans. When it comes to politics,  in spite of lack of a developmental program for Uganda, we continue to see the mainstream media imposing those useless elites on the Ugandan population.
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    • Enno Ye Uganda Zabu yamwe ebaletela otuntu no tuntu mu zabu ya Uganda-Ffe tetuuja kuleeka byetulowoza tujja kubyogela nga tetulina gwetutya!
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    • The Uganda Paparazzi exposes the Real World of the Elite Class of Uganda. The elite especially the Capitalists and political class have taken Uganda hostage. We won't just seat down and watch them humiliate our people, without a fight.
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