Free Uganda › Forums › Food for thought › The Problem with Milk and Other Dairy Food
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- December 21, 2017 at 3:22 pm #1381
🔹Cow’s Milk is for Cows. There is nothing bad about drinking milk from the time you first open your eyes at birth until you are two years of age. That is, provided the milk is from your mother, and is therefore fresh, raw and natural.
Ideally, mother would be on a high-energy and highly-nutritional, raw food diet, before and during pregnancy. However, in our culture we tend not to breast-feed our children. Most of us were weaned on cow’s milk or synthetic formulas, which are almost twenty times more concentrated than cow’s milk. Cow’s milk tends to be high in proteins, minerals and fats—a necessity for baby cows that will grow to 300-500 pounds in one year. Needless to say, human babies do not grow that fast. Cow’s milk has at least four times as much protein and over six times as much mineral content as human milk. Such heavily concentrated milk is extremely hard for infants to digest.Human enzyme production for handling milk products is much less than a cow’s enzyme production. Without proper enzymes in the right quantity, human babies suffer digestive problems and mucus congestion in the sinus cavities, lungs, brain and ears. Many types of allergies are also created from the excessive congestion that started with cow-milk consumption. Adults cannot digest milk at all and develop deeper congestive problems as they get older. Cow’s milk is also low in essential fatty acids, which are vital to humans in the production of systemic cholesterol, steroids, brain and nerve tissue, etc. Raw cow’s milk is more for skeletal/ muscular growth, where human milk feeds brain and nerve growth. This is one of the main differences between frugivores and herbivores.
Roughly between ages three and four most children lose the enzymes that digest milk, especially lactase, which breaks down lactose— the main sugar in milk. This is because, biologically, we are supposed to be weaned after three or four years. Since we lack the proper digestive enzymes to break down milk, we get an increased mucus production. Milk now becomes highly irritating to the mucosa of the GI tract, which causes even more mucus. This mucus mixed with starch can cause a heavy mucoid plaque to build up on the intestinal walls.
Remember John Wayne? He was reported to have died with up to fifty pounds of impacted fecal matter in his bowels. Such im-pactions cause inflammation, pocketing (diverticulum), and tissue weakness of the intestinal wall. This leads to bowel restrictions, ulcerations, lesions and cancers. Several years ago, the now former U. S. Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop, M.D., told the world: “Dairy products are bad for you.”🔥FROM ALKALINE TO ACID
Now, on top of all this, we cook (pasteurize) cow’s milk. Heat changes the chemistry of the milk, as well as changing its nature from alkaline-forming to acid-forming. In chemistry, if we want to change a chemical compound, we add heat. Heating or cooking also destroys any water-soluble vitamins, especially the vitamin C and B-complexes. It saturates the fats and binds certain proteins to minerals, as well as binding minerals to minerals. What happens to a baby calf if you feed it pasteurized milk instead of its fresh, raw mother’s milk? It dies.🔥CONGESTION DECREASES UTILIZATION
Colds, flu, mumps or any lymphatic or respiratory condition can be largely attributed to congestion from dairy products. Dairy products are highly mucus-forming and constipating. When you have a cold or respiratory problem, where do you think that clear, yellow, green, brown or black mucus originally comes from? Where do tumors come from? Or lymph node swelling, especially swelling of the tonsils?
The thyroid and parathyroid glands are located in the throat. They also get congested with the mucus formed from dairy products, creating hyper- or especially hypo-conditions of these tissues. The thyroid/parathyroid gland is responsible for calcium utilization by the body. When these glands begin to fail from the mucus congestion, toxins and inflammation that dairy products create, your calcium utilization begins to fail—which is the opposite result for why you consume these products in the first place. When a lack of calcium utilization at the cellular level begins, a host of conditions including depression, bone and tissue weaknesses, nerve and muscular weakness, and connective tissue weakness can also begin. All are side effects from mucus congestion that has built up in our tissues from the use of dairy products. Calcium is an abundant mineral. The highest concentration of usable calcium is found in sesame seeds and sea vegetables like kelp. Calcium needs magnesium to be properly utilized. In fruits, and especially in vegetables, calcium and magnesium are compatible. Dark green leafy vegetables are full of calcium, magnesium, and flavonoids, all of which need each other for proper utilization. In cow’s milk, however, you have a lot more calcium than magnesium. This adds to the lack of utilization of calcium in milk. It has been estimated that less than 20 percent of calcium in milk is utilized. We utilize more calcium from fruit juice than we do from milk.
When milk is cooked, the minerals become ionized, changing its effect from alkaline to acidic. This can create stone formation, muscular weakness, GI tract inflammation, and other conditions. The truth of this can be seen in that many people who drink milk and take extra doses of calcium through supplementation are still getting osteoporosis. We must begin to think of utilization within the body rather than supplementation. High doses of calcium are not the answer, proper utilization is.
The thyroid/parathyroid and the adrenal glands are mostly responsible for calcium utilization within the body. I have found that when these glands are healthy, the body is strong where calcium issues are concerned. If you clean and regenerate these glands, your calcium utilization will be greatly enhanced. Use the Basal Temperature Test (found in Chapter 10) to study and check your thyroid function. Check your blood pressure to determine your adrenal weaknesses. Remember, if your systolic is under 118 you always have adrenal weakness.🔥PARASITES
Parasites are another result of milk drinking. Estimates are that 60 percent or more of American dairy cows have one or more of the following: the leukemia virus, salmonella and the tuberculosis virus. Furthermore, as milk and dairy products are the most mucus-forming of all the foods we consume, and refined sugar is the second most, both of these foods will cause excessive congestion to build up all through our tissues. Yeast, fungi and worms love to feed and thrive in this congestion. This causes Candida albicans and other infectious conditions. After observing thousands of cancer clients, I am convinced that milk and dairy products (even colostrum) cause and increase tumor growth and lymphatic congestion. Many congestive (tumor) type
cancers, in my opinion, are initially started through the consumption of these types of foods.🔥DIABETES
Many studies have linked pasteurized milk consumption to diabetes. The antibodies produced to fight these altered, harmful, milk proteins also attack the beta cells in the pancreas. The beta cells are in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas and their job is to secrete insulin.🔥BOVINE GROWTH HORMONE
Another major problem we see in milk is the effects from rBGH—or recombinant bovine growth hormone. The Monsanto Corporation created this bovine growth hormone from the E-coli bacteria. This growth hormone was initially created to increase milk production. Some studies have shown this growth hormone (rBGH) to be a carcinogen. In many studies it has been shown to proliferate (increase) the growth of cancer. I personally feel it stimulates the endocrine gland system, especially the thyroid and adrenal glands. This affects our growth, other developmental factors, and hormone balance. As a society we are faced with these massive hormonal imbalances that are destroying our health and our economy. Learn the truth about the foods you consume. Don’t be dissuaded by the media and other influences within our capitalistic society where money has become more important than human welfare. It is vital that you detoxify your body of all the built-up congestion from the many years of eating mucus forming foods.🔥INTESTINAL FLORA
Many health-conscious people today take aci-dophilus with lactobacillus, and the like. Why? If you do not consume dairy products, why would you need to supplement with these products? These are bacteria that are involved in the breakdown of milk proteins and milk sugars. They can also be found in the body where toxemia (toxins) from dairy products are formed, e.g., in saliva, in the lymphatic system, in the vagina, etc. It is more important to your health to clean these toxins and the bacteria that feeds upon them out of your body entirely. It is also questionable whether these bacterial supplements survive the gastric acids, as it is.
It is not difficult to establish intestinal flora. You can’t keep bacteria out of your body. This is pure nature. Bacteria are feeders, cleaning and feeding upon your wastes, the by-products of digestion and metabolism. Remember, your intestinal flora changes with your diet.Success is nothing more than a refined study of the obvious.
— Jim Rohn, success philosophe - AuthorPosts
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