Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde, who is currently on remand at Luzira Prison on Treason charges applied to High court seeking for relaxation of earlier conditions set for him in order to be released on bail.

In an application filed today through his lawyers of Tumusiime and Kabega Advocates with Wameli and Company advocates, Gen Henry Tumukunde says most of the conditions which were set by this court are unfair and inapplicable to him.Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde

He says for instance that it is not possible for him to present sureties who are serving army officers at his rank or above because most of these people are still active in the army or other government institutions which makes it impossible for them to stand surety for a person on treason charges.

He adds that it’s not true that Uganda Police officers and the prosecution were affected by the ongoing lock down because they were described among essential services which have to remain in operation during this period.

Being that required evidence has already been extracted by Police, Gen Henry Tumukunde says there is no evidence that the applicant can interfere with the evidence.

As an assurance that he will be able to abide by bail terms and conditions once released, Gen Henry Tumukunde committed to deposit in court a land title for his residential property located at Plot 12 Kololo hill drive.

“It’s in the interest of justice that conditions set by this court are reviewed and the applicant is released immediately on bail.” Lawyers prayed

On 14th April 2020, High court judge declined to grant bail to Gen Henry Tumukunde on grounds that he didn’t have substantial sureties (Civilians) who could persuade him to report to court.

The court said he had to include at least two serving army officers at his rank or above with a clearance from Chief of Defence Forces.

He was advised to inform court in case he has fulfilled the set requirements for his bail to be considered, but this had to be after the lockdown period which is characterised with restriction of movements.Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde

Its alleged that Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde on 5th March 2020 while at NBS Television in Kampala district during one of the weekly talk shows, made utterances to wit if I was Rwanda I would wish to support people who want to cause change aimed at instigating the Republic of Uganda to cause unlawful change of government.

Its further alleged that on 13th March 2020 at Impala Avenue Kololo in Kampala district he was found in possession of an AK 47 and Star Pistol without valid firearm certificates.

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