The Minister for Kampala Betty Amongi has said Government will not involve politically elected leaders for Kampala such as Lord Mayor and his Councillors in the exercise of distributing relief food to the vulnerable people.

On 4th April, the Prime Minister Dr Ruhakana Rugunda launched relief food distribution to the vulnerable people affected by measures put in place by Government to combat the spread of COVID 19 pandemic.

However, Kampala leaders were left out in distribution exercise.Kampala leaders

Instead, the Ministers were tasked to monitor and supervise the exercise.

State Minister for Housing Dr Chris Baryomunsi who doubles as Kinkizi East Member of Parliament was tasked to supervise food distribution in Nakawa Division, Kyaka South legislator who doubles as Deputy Attorney General Jackson Kafuuzi was tasked to supervise Kawempe Division, Igara West MP and Minister of Local Government Raphael Magyezi is supervising the exercise Kampala Central, State Minister for ICT Peter Ogwang supervises Makindye Division while Minister of State for Kampala Benny Namugwanya supervises Rubaga Division.

Last week, Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago and his Lord Councillors complained about Government decision to leave them out.

Speaking to reporters at Uganda Media Center today Tuesday, Kampala Minister Betty Amongi replied to Erias Lukwago and his Councillors saying if they involved them in the exercise, they would focus on looking for votes for the next election.Kampala leaders

“When you are on the forefront of something which must be impartially handled and you bring on board somebody who wants the vote and comes from that area, there is high likelihood that they will politicize the matter,” said Amongi.

She added that there have been reports in the field where various vulnerable people reported to the Ministers supervising the distribution exercise that they have been left out by their respective LC1 chairman because they did not vote for them.

“Already in the field we found circumstances where a few examples of people who have not voted for example LC 1 chairman jumping a home but because the Minister is there, these people are courageous enough to come and tell Minister that I did not line behind this LC 1 and they have jumped me,” she said

She added, “So the Councillors, the leadership of Kampala at the political level, we don’t want to involve them in the exercise. We don’t want to involve people whose area is being served to participate in the exercise that they may be biased.”

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