Free Uganda Critical Media › Forums › The Uganda Paparazzi › The Uganda Untold Story Meets Uganda Paparazzi › SIGNS OF AN UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP
1. They keep asking you for sex, and threatens to quite the relationship every time you say no. They’re only lusting after you. There is no condition in love.
2. They isolate you from your family and friends • He’s the most important person in the world to you (you have no support system other than him)
3. He/she is verbally, physically and/or emotionally abusive
4. He/she is very controlling
5. They humiliates or degrades you (either publicly or privately)•
6. He/she is extremely jealous.
7. They’re not trusting or trustworthy.
8. He/she never encourage you towards achieving your life goals.
9. They always use these words “I” and “mine”. Instead of “we”, “us” and “ours”.
10. He/she never appreciate whatever you do. They find it hard to say these Phrase “Thank you” or “Am sorry”. They always put the blames on you, even when they are the cause of the goof.
11. When they’re good in words but poor when it comes to leading by example.
12. He is abusive towards drinks.
13. Unhealthy pattern of argument (beating and calling names).
14. They’re rude towards their parents or guidance.
15. He/she always nag.
16. He/she finds it hard to forgive you, when you offend them and ask for forgiveness.
17. They spend no quality time with you. Always busy like a phone on call.
18. You can’t identify any ways you’ve positively influenced each other. For example, you haven’t adopted any of each other’s interests or taught each other any new skills.
19. They react negatively anytime you ask of their parents, or demand meeting them.
20. He/she doesn’t make you feel good about your body; they point out your thinning hair or saggy underarm skin. They always compare you to others. They’re not loving you but managing you.
21. You don’t have a sense of relationship security—you’ve broken up or almost broken up numerous times.
22. Lack of respect.
23. You have no space for individual interest.
24. Your partner involves you in unethical activities, such as lying on official forms you both sign.
25. Your partner doesn’t seem interested when you experience success, or they belittle your success.
26. Lack of openness ( Always secretive).
27. Cohabitation.
28. You feel lonely when you’re together (Lack of intellectual or emotional intimacy).
29. You never turn to each other for emotional support. You look to other people first.
30. Your partner finds the things of God boring.
These are only a few signs of an unhealthy relationship, but if you recognize any of these signs in your current relationship, know that things ain’t right. Don’t be blinded by singleness, you must learn to see yourself as God sees you. Singleness is not the worse thing in the world. You are a treasure to cherish so don’t allow anyone treat you as anything less.
And just in case you’re wondering, yes you can be in an unhealthy relationship with someone who claims to be a Christian. So stop making excuses for staying in an unhealthy relationship. Settle for nothing less than God’s best.
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in Him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
In order to make better choices in your relationships, first focus on developing and growing your relationship with God, then focus on cultivating all the types of relationships in your life.