Free Uganda

    Betty Nambooze is a Mole

    Betty NamboozeBetty Nambooze was never legally recruited in DP also. After being caught ready handed with corruption envelop at CBS radio by police in early 2000s, she was taken to jail. Elias lukwago with the help of former ssenkagale ssebana kizito tried their best to save her from the coolers of luzira Prison.

    The high court convicted her but thanks to Elias Lukwago who managed to challenge the ruling and won her freedom on appeal. From there she declared her self a DP member since she was being pursued by Rev. Bakaluba mukasa her fellow NRM member. Mr ssebana helped her with some financial boost after prison.

    So she didn’t enter DP from the smallest unit at the village as she wanted chameleon to do. She also entered from Kampala through Mr. Ssebana kizito and Elias lukwago . Betty Nambooze  you were in NRM working first as Mukyakamukyaka official(Indoctrination) and later as Head of enforcement Mukono T.C. ,when you joined DP from Kampala you also started aspiring for higher position of MP mukono north. So let Chameleon be.

    You and him are the same,both you were in NRM working for Dictator Yoweri museveni, you both entered DP the same way and you all wanted high offices as soon as you entered the party. The only difference between Betty Nambooze  and chameleon is that you left NRM at different intervals.