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    Nothing is more peaceful than dating an exposed girl – as in omuwala akulidde mu bintu ng’alabyeko!

    1. When an exposed girl visits yuwa kazigo and you give her a glass of water, she says, ”Thanks. I love water. It is healthy!”. Naye bali abalala, hooooo! Ayinza n’okufa because when she visits a guy it is when she expects to drink soda, juice, munanansi, wine, milk, beer all at the same time!

    2. An exposed girl bwomuwa amenvu, she’ll be like, ”wow! You eat healthy!” haaaaaaa, naye bali bannafe! Lwakukyalidde lwayagala alye chips, chicken, liver, sausage, chaps, pilau, ebyenda byona at the same time!

    3. Even if you don’t have money for yaka and you light a candle, an exposed girl will be like, ”Wow, you are romantic!”. Naye the other type ajja kunyumiza banne nga bwotalina sente za yaka.

    4. At the end of it all if you walk an exposed girl back home, she will enjoy the walk, tell you stories, walk slowly, aba tayagala nakutuuka waka. Naye bali bannafe kale batama. She will ask you things like, ”so you don’t have a car?” or ”tolina guy wa special gw’ osobola kkubira ssimu nankima?”

    Kale bannange mulonde nga mwegendereza!