Free Uganda Critical Media Forums The Uganda Useless Elite Class The Members Of Parliament that Betrayed Uganda Reply To: The Members Of Parliament that Betrayed Uganda

Free Uganda

    Da NRM took power on 26th-jan-1986,its now 32yrs & celebrations will b held at Boma grounds(Arua) bt here are 10 unanswered qns with dis rule!
    1.b4 m7 Uganda airlines was functioning now its 32yrs wer is it!
    2.Hospitals lyk Bugiri,Nebbi,Masaka,Raki,Mbale wer constructed on Amin/obote’s regime now who is responsible 4 their renovations & supply drugs 2 dem!
    3.Regional banks lyk Bugisu co.Masaka reg.Bank,Greenland UCB wer privatised den collapsed who was responsible!
    4.B4 NRM we had no free education but p’ple studied & da edication was productive today with free educ.we study to pass!
    5.who is responsible 4 da killing ov p’ple whom we’ve not got report on!
    6.Entebbe airport was constructed by Amin,da airfield constructed by m7 in Kajjansi collapsed!
    7.Who is responsible 4 our money value downfall coz we hv da least money value in E.Africa.
    8.Poor economic strategy,high taxes,rental costs who is responsoble!
    9.Corruption in all g’vt bodies who is responsible 4 it!
    10.Inflation,blame who!